thonglor 08 May 2020
Studio Persona’s Easy at-Home Art: Natural Expression

Unleash your inner artist with Studio Persona’s Easy at-Home Art! 

Bring nature and art into your home, while getting the chance to explore creativity and simply relax. Studio Persona is kindly sharing this nature-based craft that you can make on your own or with your family. What will you create?

About Studio Persona – Studio Persona invites you to explore creativity and emotion through art. Their studio celebrates beauty, healing, and transformation through Expressive Arts. Be playful! Art is for everyone. 


   - A tree branch or stick
   - Colored pencils, crayons, pastels, markers, watercolor paints, etc.
   - Masking tape
   - Paper
   - Scissors
   - Yarn, ribbon, or string


1.)  First, find some natural materials. You’ll need a branch, palm frond, or twig from the garden. As you can see in our photo, we used a stick. 

2.) Gather more natural materials such as leaves, flowers, and twigs. Various pieces of nature will work beautifully for this activity. Get creative! What will you find?

3.) Next, take out your paper. Choose your colored pencils, crayons, or paints. 

4.) Start drawing or painting on the paper. Be playful and expressive! Experiment with textures, designs, and colors. What do you feeling like making today?

5.) When you are finished, use the scissors to cut out your paper into different shapes. You can opt for simple shapes like circles or triangles. Feel free to also create your own unique designs!

6.) Afterwards, take out your yarn or string. Cut it into various lengths to hang each piece of paper. 

7.) Next, use the tape to attach each piece of yarn to each piece of paper. 

8.) Now, tie your papers onto the tree branch so that they hang.

9.) You can also hang your leaves, flowers, and twigs from the branch next to your artwork. 

10.) Find a nice place to hang your artwork. Enjoy your own design by adding more pieces each day. Keep creating!

Feeling extra creative? Give your artwork a title. You can also think about what inspired you to use certain colors or designs. See what inspires you to add to it each day.